Advent 2019: Hope (with Sierra White)
Sierra White shares a personal story and discusses what it taught her about hope.
Advent 2019: Hope (with Laura Jean Truman)
Laura Jean Truman asks us to think about what steps of hope we can make this Advent season.
Advent 2019: Hope (with Lexie Coyle)
Lexie Coyle shares a personal story that changed Advent for her, and how she was able to find hope in the midst of it.
Advent 2019: Hope (with Jessica Kantrowitz)
Jessica Kantrowitz discusses darkness and allowing ourselves to feel what we feel about it.
When Faith Fails
I’ve heard faith described as a muscle—something that gets stronger with use and atrophies with disuse. Difficult times, I’ve been told, will “strengthen my faith.”
My Calling
Every night, I sneak into my daughter's room to kiss and pray for her. I find her twisted into an unnatural position, with her stuffed animals neatly lined up at the bottom of her bed. This scene perfectly sums up her personality.