My Calling
Every night, I sneak into my daughter's room to kiss and pray for her. I find her twisted into an unnatural position, with her stuffed animals neatly lined up at the bottom of her bed. This scene perfectly sums up her personality.
Excerpt from "Singleness & the Myth of Scarcity"
Rise executive director Holly Stallcup was given the opportunity to guest blog on The Mudroom. You’ll find an excerpt from the piece below.
Wins & Worth
In the last few weeks I had to cancel two events, messed up a contract so that we lost money on an event and had to restructure an event to cater to my feelings of complete overwhelmedness. I have had to tell women I deeply believe in “no” or “wait” or “we can only do this, not that”, and I hate every time I can’t give my full self and our full resources to a woman.
There Is No Arrival
Last week, I withdrew from a course.
This was a decision most people find easy and obtaining little importance. But for me, oh for me, this decision was in the simplest term – hard. Deciding to withdraw from this course was like creating a giant neon sign that said, “Look what Morgan cannot do!” for all my friends, classmates, and family to see.
Our Whole Selves
When I joined the board here at Rise, Holly asked me to give her a bio that she could share with the other board members. I cringed as soon as I read her email because I really hate writing bios. There's such a fine line between being accurate and aspirational.