The Flight: A Monthly Book Sampler (February 2020)
Board member Andrea Humphries’ book review column is back for 2020! Here’s her summary of what she read in February:
The Flight: A Monthly Book Sampler (January 2020)
Board member Andrea Humphries’ book review column is back for 2020! Here’s her summary of what she read in January:
Advent 2019: Peace (with Fayelle Ewuakye)
Fayelle Ewuakye invites us to experience peace by focusing on something small.
Advent 2019: Peace (with Bekah Rhea)
Bekah Rhea discusses how the concept of peace can be one of resistance.
Advent 2019: Peace (with Dr. Holly Oxhandler)
Dr. Holly Oxhandler invites us to think about what peace in our current seasons of life may look like, and reminds us that we are worthy of peace.
Advent 2019: Joy (with Kim Merrikin)
Kim Merrikin invites us to actively pursue joy during this Advent season.