Advent: Joy with Andrea Humphries

Rise board member Andrea Humphries breaks down four thoughts that come to mind when she thinks about Joy during Advent.

Notes from Andrea:

This is my favourite version of Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.

I also highly, highly recommend Fleming Rutledge’s latest book, Advent: The Once & Future Coming of Jesus Christ. If you purchase using this link, Amazon donates 0.5% of the price to Rise.

Andrea Humphries

Andrea is a born-and-bred church girl who empowers women to use their voices as they dismantle the correlation between femininity and a lack of intellectual depth, emotions and superficiality, and bodies as burdens to be endured. In a perfect world, she'd spend most of the day in a comfy chair with a stack of books and a bottomless mug of coffee.


Advent: Joy with Oneya Okuwobi


Advent: Joy with Lucy Crabtree